Monday, August 18, 2008

Looking Backwards (Not Forwards)

I didn't get all weepy when the kids started school. I was so happy to have them going again.

But today is #3's first day of preschool. And I am finding myself getting all emotional at the thought of him going, getting older and, next year, starting kindergarten!

I have always had a hard time when a child starts kindergarten.

When #1 started I was so nervous for her. I was also dreading the first day, just knowing she was going to cry and mope and make a big to-do about it (after all I did when I started school). But she just walked in the classroom and waved me off ("Bye Mom!")!!! And she hasn't looked back since. She has always adored school.

#2 has always been so little and sensitive that I was even more nervous for him to start to school. I just knew some little twerp would say something mean to him. But he has never had any problems. (In fact last week his teacher called with a great story involving #2, a pile of folders he was having trouble passing out, and another boy in the class standing up for #2 when someone offered to help him saying "Let the little man do it!")

But I know I will be just as scared and nervous when #3 starts kindergarten. Maybe a little more nervous for the other kids in his classroom this time around though. He can be quite a bully when he wants to!

I just want to hold onto him for a little while longer (even though I know that's impossible).

I always say I look forward to the kids moving out and finally having some alone time with Hubby (and I do), but I know that will be even more difficult than not seeing them for a few hours during the week.

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