Sunday, July 20, 2008


I am sooo not a morning person. And I never have been, as my family can testify. When I was younger I used to walk out of my bedroom with a pillow over my face. If anyone tried to say "Good morning" to me I would grunt "Don't!"

Well, I don't quite take it that far any more. But I am still groggy and tired and just a little grumpy in the a.m.

Unfortunately, I am married to a person who voluntarily signs up to teach early classes. In fact Hubby normally wakes up at 5a.m! And likes doing it! Sometimes he will volunteer to go grocery shopping at 6a.m. on the weekends! I just don't get it!

And, unfortunately, some of my offspring are quite cheery and talkative in the morning.

And, unfortunately, I have at least one that takes after me and is grumpy and slow when she is wakes up. (Am I never satisfied?)

Due to all of these other people I have to deal with, I have had to force myself to be bright and cheery (to get #1 up and happy and going on the day), to wake up early (to spend any time with Hubby) and to be talkative and happy in the morning (to have nice, natural conversations with #2 and #3; #4 is also up early in the morning, but only cause he wants to nurse still-I can deal with that.)

Sometimes I wish I could sleep in everyday and wake up because I felt ready to. But then again, and this is another unfortunate, I think I am starting to like waking early. I seem to get so much more done during my day, and I even have time to read my scriptures (which is an essential part of my day) in a quiet house.

So against my "natural [wo]man" I am starting to become a different person, and, hopefully, a better one.

But does that mean I can never enjoy sleeping in again?


Unknown said...

I love to sleep in also, but very rarly get to. I get tons more done when I am up early. Nice to know I am not alone. Have you cleaned up those books yet?

Summer said...

Yes, I cleaned up the books. I had to vaccuum. But in doing so I bit my lip and shoved them on the shelf trying not to be upset by the fact that I wasn't putting them in size order. The call of OCD is very strong!