Friday, October 23, 2009

Move Over Lunch Lady!

I love Fridays.
Well, okay I hate Fridays at 5:30 Friday morning when I have to get up and actually shower before getting the kids to school.
But the purpose of actually showering that early in the morning (the norm is 9am, there, I said it) is that I get to help out in #3's kindergarten class!
It is just too much fun!
I get to hang stuff, staple stuff, glue stuff, play on the floor, read books, do projects.
Not much different than the usual routine at home with #4, but it's only for a couple of hours, and kindergarten kids are so excited about learning! They just love it all!
This morning I even got to play with the school's big and not-so-scary-anymore laminating machine and have an intelligent conversation (often rare around these parts) with the art teacher!
(ahhh, I miss art history...)
Anyway....a couple of weeks ago #3 suggested that I quit my job and get a job at his school (which, I presume means he actually likes that I am there once in a while, even if the other two pretend they don't know me).
I had to explain to him that my job is being a mom and (much as I want to on some occasions) I can't quit!
He had to think about that for a minute then came up with the obvious solution that I get a job, quit that job, and then get a job at the school!
Brilliant!! Why didn't I think of that?
Maybe that's just the change I've been looking for!

1 comment: said...

Gosh, your kids are smart! By the way, the norm here is noon, but you've got some experience on me.